Guys do not understand hints
Published on August 26, 2004 By collegefish In Welcome

I am collegefish
I am a freshman at college and this is my first week. Everything is great execept for the guys that can not take a hint! Dont get me wrong I love guys, they make the best friends but for some reason they always want to take a step up to a boyfriend. I have no idea how guys think. In the movies girls are always portrade as the one pushing the relationship to the next level, but in my world as of late the guys are sprinting ahead. I am fine with have a best friends. I really like them as friends but not as a boyfriend if that makes any sense. I know I am rambling but I just needed a way to vent. I have only been at college a week and already two guys who I like as friends have already wanted a closer relationship. I really dont know how to handle this without feelings getting hurt. I have tried hinting and it does no good. The art of hinting has long been lost I guess. I am greatly in need of help.

on Aug 26, 2004
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that these guys are probably looking for some action. Don't feel bad about "friending" a few guys, it is unavoidable. ("I like you, but I'm not interested in a serious relationship right now. Let's just be friends.") Sometimes you just have to spell it out.
on Aug 26, 2004
Yes, most men do not understand hinting. Consider yourself lucky to have learned this at such a young age. Men require bluntness, everything spelled out with no waffling whatsoever, and if possible diagrams.

on Aug 26, 2004
I like you, but I'm not interested in a serious relationship right now.

I'm going to disagree with that. That just gives the guy hope -- especially if he really does like you. Don't leave any room for interpretation. Don't leave any room for false hope. The dumbass will be waiting around for "not... right now" to become "yes.. right now!" We guys are stupid that way.

"Dude you are my friend and only my friend. Chill! The boyfriend thing? Ain't ever gonna happen!"
on Aug 26, 2004
Guys dont get hints. You have to be specific, there usually is a spark missing from their brain down to their dicks and they cant differ between the two. BTW welcome to JoeUser